Welcome to the Pacific Coast Entomological Society (PCES).
The PCES is an organization devoted to western entomology in all its aspects. The society was organized on 15 August 1901, and filed Articles of Incorporation in the State of California on 28 August 1940, thus establishing itself as a nonprofit corporation.
Membership is open to everyone - amateurs and professionals alike. The yearly fee of $25.00 (regular membership), $12.50 (student membership), or $40.00 or more (sponsoring membership), includes a subscription to the quarterly journal, The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, which is in its 100th volume in 2024, and the Bits & PCES Newsletter for members residing within commuting distance of San Francisco. Application for membership in the Society should be directed to the PCES Managing Secretary. Institutional subscriptions are $40.00.
You can find out the latest news by subscribing to the society email listserv, which is used both to inform members of upcoming events and allow communication between all members. Meeting reminders as well as upcoming field trips or other area entomological activities are posted to the listserv as they arise. Typically, meetings of the Society are held six to eight times a year, usually at the California Academy of Sciences, UC Berkeley, or California Department of Food and Agriculture - Plant Pest Diagnostics Center.
Society's policy is set by an executive board, in accordance with the Bylaws, consisting of a president (elected annually), past-president, recording secretary, managing secretary, treasurer, and chairs of various standing committees: program, membership, publication, historical, etc.
Recent back issues of the journal, from vol. 70 onwards [1994- ], are $40.00 per volume or $10.00 per number; vols. 67-69 (1991-1993) are $30.00 per volume or $7.50 per number. Recent issues prior to vol. 67 are available at $5.00 per issue or $20.00 per volume. Available back issues may be obtained by sending the correct amount, payable to the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, to the PCES Treasurer. Manuscripts, proofs, and all correspondence concerning editorial matter should be sent to the Managing Editor.
If you need further information or assistance, please contact the President or PCES Managing Secretary.
Phymata sp.
Photo credit: Ted MacRae